Sunday, November 24, 2019

Women Who Make a Difference essays

Women Who Make a Difference essays Throughout all of history, women have played a significant role in shaping the political and social history of our world. They have and still continue today to impact virtually every topic that has ever been debated. From standing up against the common belief that women were incapable of being involved in the same things men were, to making new discoveries in science, art, education and much more, women have made a considerable One such woman is an individual by the name of Jane Goodall. Jane was born in London, England in 1934, and grew up on the southern coast of England in Bournemouth. Ever since she was young, Jane always dreamed of working with wildlife. At the age of 23, she accompanied a friend to Kenya, Africa where she first heard about Dr. Louis Leakey, a paleontologist and anthropologist. Jane later became his assistant, traveling with him on his expeditions. In 1960, they began to work on a project which Jane is best known for, studying chimpanzees at Gombe National Park in This all began Janes road toward making numerous impacts on society. Her largest impact was of course her discoveries on wildlife. After many months at Gombe, she was able to get close enough to the chimpanzees to study their habits, and make striking discoveries. She was able to relate the chimpanzees to human beings, as they hunted for food and used tools just like us. By doing this, Jane was able to help future scientists to learn more about the rarely observed lives of these species. Another enormous impact Jane made on society was her ability to make it aware to the people that many of these species such as the chimpanzees, were becoming extinct because of practices like hunting and poaching. She took this concern even further and set up chimpanzee sanctuaries for the care and rehabilitation of orphaned chimpanzee ...

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