Monday, December 30, 2019

Sex in Advertising - 889 Words

An important controversial issue that America faces today is the debate of sex in advertising. Edward A. McCabe and John Carroll are two authors that present opposing arguments about this issue. McCabe persuades the reader into thinking that sex in advertising is no big deal, while Carroll explains why this is a major problem in America. Sex ads are defined as any type of advertising that shows pictures of partial nudity with wording that relates to the body in a sexual way, usually portraying women. Sex in advertising has been around for a long time but has the industry become too sexually explicit? Sex is everywhere, in almost every advertisement we see. While some people do not even realize it is there, others have strong rejections†¦show more content†¦Another way to solve this issue is to reduce the amount of sex in advertisements since most ads have nothing to do with sex. There should be a campaign or organization to regulate such ads, similar to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Its purpose would be to figure out what ads are appropriate and locate other ads where it is not appropriate. The inappropriate ads would not be submitted for advertisement. Reduction of sex ads will help stop the problem because women, children, and the rest of society would not be affected by so many of the offensive ads. Sexier women would not exploit the average body of a woman so regular women will not carry low self-esteems. Regular people will replace the sexy models so with this, children will not be affected and women will feel better about themselves. This is not proposing to ban sex in advertising altogether; there will be a moderate amount where it is appropriate. But some might think this violates America s freedom of speech and that the advertisers can put anything in their ads. But there are laws and organizations that limit this freedom such as the FCC. Other people think that it is not a large enough issue to affect all of society and it should not be made into such a big case. But women are stereotyped and degraded everywhere so this will be a start to full equality between men and women. Other proposals that try to help the problemShow MoreRelatedSex in Advertising912 Words   |  4 PagesSex In Advertising An important controversial issue that America faces today is the debate of sex in advertising. Edward A. McCabe and John Carroll are two authors that present opposing arguments about this issue. McCabe persuades the reader into thinking that sex in advertising is no big deal, while Carroll explains why this is a major problem in America. Sex ads are defined as any type of advertising that shows pictures of partial nudity with wording that relates to the body in a sexual wayRead MoreSex in Advertising1358 Words   |  6 PagesSex in Advertising I chose sex in advertising for my research topic because I do not know about it well, even though a lot of sexual images and texts in advertisements. When I was a little kid, I often surprised by ads with sexy woman. Even now, I sometimes have my eyes glued to such kinds of advertising. I wonder that there are some physiological reasons why people pay attention to sex images. Also, learning about sex in advertising is useful for my career because I want to work for an advertisingRead MoreNegative Effects of Sex in Advertising1151 Words   |  5 Pagescommercials that you see everyday? They simply use sex. Sex in advertising can be defined as the use of any type of sexual imagery to draw the interest of the consumer to buying a particular product or service. The use of sex in advertising as mentioned earlier is said to have boasted a lot company’s revenues, but it also has its negative side which has caused a lot of problems in societies around the world. The idea of using sex in advertising is a very smart way that advertisers use to gain attentionRead More Media Advertising and Sex Essay1210 Words   |  5 Pagesunderlying message. It is often heard that â€Å"sex sells.† So, many advertisers will use beautiful women and men in their advertisements to try to market a product. The hope is that â€Å"sex will sell,† and people will go out and buy what the ads are selling. There are many advertisements and commercials that use this approach. Prime examples of this are the advertisements for Orbit Gum and A Diamond is Forever. Also, the commercials for Levi jeans use sex to promote the sale of their brand. As a wayRead MoreAdvertising: Sex Sells Essay example1765 Words   |  8 Pagesmagazine? I would like to look like her. What do you say to your self when you see the product? Will this product help me look like her? Magazines play a part in creating the image of sex sells. Advertisers use an image to create an advertisement to sell a product. The Purpose of advertising is not to sell sex, but to attract the consumer. Their talent is the ability to transform seemingly neutral object to create a desirable product. It’s no wonder that we are so obsessed with our bodies andRead MoreWhat Makes Sex For Advertising So Appealing?1674 Words   |  7 Pages Sex is a very controversial subject that normally attracts a lot of attention, which forces it be extremely exploitable for attention craved advertisement creators. Sex can be defined as ways to gain consumers attention (Belch Belch 2007). What makes sex in advertising so special? Why is sex so appealing to consumers? Sexual appeal can be characterized as an emotional trigger. Sex can be construed as the soul of advertising. (Brayan 2003) There are various emotions that an advertiser can utilizeRead MoreThe role of sex in advertising is deba table and most individuals, including industry experts,2300 Words   |  10 Pages The role of sex in advertising is debatable and most individuals, including industry experts, conclude that having the target audience of an advertisement comprehend the overall message being sent in an advertisement is the essential objective. In order for a message to get across, the advertisement must first get the attention of the target audience or market. After all, if advertisers are unable to get one’s attention they will not be able to send a message. There are many strategies that advertiser’sRead MoreSex in Advertising1759 Words   |  8 PagesSex in Advertising: Beneficial or Controversial? Watch any amount of television throughout the day and at some point a sexually charged commercial advertisement will be aired. The commercial could show to barely dressed, large breasted, beautiful women fighting in a public location about whether or not the beer is great tasting or less filling. Another commercial will hint that using their body spray will lead to attracting not only one women but an entire room full of women. Not to worry,Read MoreAdvertising and Sex2303 Words   |  10 PagesLets prove thatÂ… Sex, indecency, violence, danger, disaster and death. These are topics that catch the eye of the average person. They catch our attention because they interesting subjects. They intrigue us. They spark our curiosity. They also raise a lot of controversy. Companies will use these words in their advertising to grasp the attention of all viewers. In this day in age advertisers will stop at nothing to get an edge on their competitor and will use such topics as sex and death to get aheadRead MoreViolence and Sex in Advertising2235 Words   |  9 PagesVIOLENCE AND SEX IN ADVERITISING Violence and Sex in advertising is a controversial issue in American society. Some think that this type of advertising is not an issue while others believe it can be a major issue. While most people know what violence and sex in advertising contain, I believe it’s important to define what it really is. Violence and Sex in advertising can be defined as any advertisement that depicts some type of nudity whether is be partial or complete while also insinuating some

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Henry David Thoreau And Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1992 Words

Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, a group of transcendentalists who brought great ideals with them through the mid 1800’s. Their philosophy stated that people needed to stay true to themselves and their own ideas, not those of society. One essay where Thoreau thoroughly exemplifies this is in Civil Disobedience. Throughout this essay, Thoreau tries to show his point that even though the government consists of more people, it will not always be correct. This means that the majority does not always equal the better option and that if people go with what they think, then they will be right. He asserts that anyone can constitute the majority of one and be the one person who draws attention to an issue. The NFL, the National Football League, where stars can shine doing what they love for millions of fans, and where the NFL can create rules and policies every year to try and limit the freedom and take control of â€Å"it’s† players. It creates rules about what the players can and cannot wear, what they can do on and off the field, and even when and where they have to speak. The more constraints the NFL puts on the players, the more likely they will be to break them. In the past few years there have been more movements against the NFL to try and earn some of the players’ rights back. Just as Thoreau presents his and Emerson’s ideas in Civil Disobedience, the players in the NFL still emulate their ideas by being the â€Å"majority of one†(Thoreau). A recent example of an NFLShow MoreRelatedRalph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau971 Words   |  4 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were the giants during the 19th century American Transcendentalism movement. Their influential work brought upon shared beliefs on concerning spiritual perspectives, government interference, and the ideology of cultural values in American society. Nature has a multitude of meaning if looked at it from all angles, but deeper within nature is the reflection of what you exert while in it. However they agree on the human condition, the two authors speak withRead MoreRalph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau Essay723 Words   |  3 Pagesparticularly famous transcendentalists were Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s renowned essay, â€Å"Nature† demonstrates the transcendentalists’ fascination with the natural world and their belief in its divinity. A fantastic quote from â€Å"Nat ure† is â€Å"Within these plantations of God, a decorum and sanctity reign, a perennial festival is dressed, and the guest sees not how he should tire of them in a thousand years.† In this quote, Emerson refers to nature as â€Å"God’s plantation†Read MoreRalph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau1336 Words   |  6 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are two of the most influential writers of the Nineteenth Century. They influenced the American society and future writers to become an individual through their own writings. Transforming a movement known as Transcendentalism, both Emerson and Thoreau used this simple idea of nature, society and individualism to their advantage. Both used this simple idea to not only understand themselves, but also the world around them. Emerson and Thoreau held many ofRead MoreHenry David Thoreau And Ralph Waldo Emerson1604 Words   |  7 Pagespar. 1) Henry David Thoreau reminds us about the importance of simplicity, authenticity, and downright disobedience. Born July 12, 1817, just west of Boston in Concord, Massachusetts, his father operated a pencil factory and his mother rented rooms out to boarders. Thoreau graduated in 1837 from Harvard College, but did not take on assumed careers in law or medicine, he went on into education. After a failed attempt at teaching he befriended American philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson was aRead MoreTranscendentalism : Henry David Thoreau And Ralph Waldo Emerson847 Words   |  4 Pagespower or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are two transcendentalists that have different views on freedom. Our project, representing freedom, shows a person how to live his or her life in a way of freedom shown by Emerson and Thoreau. Together, we did research on the transcendentalists: Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson. We studied these men in the essays that we learned about during class. We found someRead MoreTranscendentalism And Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau807 Words   |  4 Pagesfamous ambassadors, Ralph Waldo Emerson and apprentice Henry David Thoreau. These men believed nature is what forces us not to depend on other ideas but to develop our own. Born in Boston, Massachusetts on May 25, 1803 as the fourth child in a family of eight, Ralph Waldo Emerson was brought up in an atmosphere where seven of his ancestors were ministers, and his father, William Emerson (who died when Emerson was eight), was minister of the First Church (Unitarian) of Boston. Emerson graduated in 1821Read MoreComparing Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau892 Words   |  4 Pagesand times in which they live. In the essay â€Å"Self Reliance† by Ralph Waldo Emerson, and the book Walden by Henry David Thoreau, the authors speak out against conformity and materialism in society. Both were romanticism authors during the 1800s. They focused on simplicity and individuality. Both writings can advise teenagers today on the importance of non-conformity and the value of rejecting materialism. In â€Å"Self Reliance†, Emerson discusses being one’s own person and not allowing society to moldRead MoreTranscendentalism : Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau967 Words   |  4 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are two of the most inspiring and accomplished writers to ever walk upon this Earth. They dared to question how people lived and how people should live. They were light years ahead of their time with their transcendentalist ideas. Transcendentalism can be defined by this quote, â€Å"People... have knowledge about themselves and the world around them that transcends... what they can see, hear, taste, touch or feel†(History). This is a perfect explanation forRead MoreAnalysis Of Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau1183 Words   |  5 Pagesby the means of the senses. As the two most prominent figures in the transcendentalist movement, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau whole-heartedly embrace the principles of n ature through different means and individually argue for the notion of individuality and self-expression in the writings of â€Å"solitude† (Thoreau) and â€Å"Nature† (Emerson). In the beginning of Chapter one of â€Å"Nature,† Emerson describes the notion of solitude as emerging oneself into nature and leaving behind all preoccupyingRead More Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau as Fathers of Transcendentalism730 Words   |  3 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau as Fathers of Transcendentalism Transcendentalism was a movement in writing that took place in the mid-nineteenth century. It formed in the early to mid nineteenth century and reached it climax around 1850 during an era commonly referred to as the American Renaissance, America’s Golden Day, or the Flowering of New England. The basic tenets of Transcendentalism involve the relationships between one’s self and the world at large. First, the search

Friday, December 13, 2019

Infancy and Early Childhood Development Free Essays

As a child develops families play a role in teaching the child. The first role is done through the five senses as a child’s brain develops. Parents are also responsible for making sure a child stays healthy. We will write a custom essay sample on Infancy and Early Childhood Development or any similar topic only for you Order Now Piaget says that a child will learn through experiments in his or her world. Erickson and Freud also have ideas on family interaction in childhood development. Along with interaction a parent has different styles to bring up a child. These styles can help shape the child as he or she grows into adults. Early childhood education and cognitive development also play a role in childhood development also. Families affect development through interaction with a child, the parenting style used by the parent will also help shape the child as he or she grows, along with early education and cognitive development. Families play a role in infancy and early child development. Early childhood experience is in two categories; experience-dependent (cultural-bound) and experience-expectant (universal) that aid in brain growth (Berger, 2008). As the brain grows senses and motor skills such as seeing, mobility progress, and hearing improve. The child’s environment helps with this as the brain will respond to different particulars in life. Also in the biosocial aspect of development is health, a child will grow at expected rates and have better survival rates when the parents or caregivers practice healthy habits for the child such as immunization and nutrition, and regular well child check-ups. Another view of family effects on development comes from cognitive views of Piaget. Piaget’s work on sensorimotor intelligence and information processing says that infants progress from knowing their world through experiments. The child is shown objects by the parent and the parent tells the child what he or she is seeing, such as a cup, ball, or bottle. This communication with the child is how the family helps the child with language development. According Berger (2008), by one an infant can speak about two words, and by the age of two languages explodes, and at the toddler ages a child capable of speaking in short sentences. The last role from parents in the developing child comes from psychosocial theories. Emotions play a basic role in newborns two aspects of the role of emotions are from Erickson and Freud. Erickson’s theory is one of trust versus mistrust, and Freud’s theory is one of oral and anal stages. Both theories express the guidance given by parents to help raise their children. Parents and children play together, which helps develop social skills and attachment. Through attachment a child learns to explore and become independent in his or her world (Berger, 2008). Social play and attachment encourage social confidence. Besides play a parent must use a style to raise the child. Parenting styles vary the three most used styles consist of authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive. Authoritarian parents controls, evaluates behavior, and attitudes of the child with standard rules of conduct. A child who fails to follow the set rules normally receives punishment with no explanation regarding why. According to Baumrind (1991), these parents are â€Å"status and obedience oriented, and expect rules to be followed without explanation. † The authoritative parent also sets rules for his or her child. Authoritative parenting styles also sets rules for a child but unlike the authoritarian parent the parent is much more democratic about it. This parenting style permits the parent to be more responsive to the child’s needs, and listen to questions and concerns the child may have. The child is not punished when he or she does not meet expectations of the parent as the parent is more nurturing, and forgiving. Discipline with the authoritative parent is more supportive than punitive, as the parent wants the child to be assertive, socially responsible, self-regulating, and cooperative (Baumrind, 1991). The last of the three parenting styles is permissive. The permissive parent consults with the child about decisions, gives reasons for rules, and makes few demands of the child. The permissive parent is more of a resource for the child to use, and is not active in shaping or altering the child. The permissive parent will try to manipulate the child to arrive at desired results but will not show power over the child (Baumrind, 1991). Of the three parenting stages authoritative parenting has the best balance. Authoritative parents want for the child, helps shape the child into an upstanding citizen while nurturing and firm in rules. This parenting style values the expressiveness of the child, and still setting standards for the child. The authoritative parent will also be objective, uses reason, power, and shapes and reinforces achievements and objective for the child, but does this with consensus of the child and the child’s desires (Baumrind, 1991). Besides parenting education and cognitive development are important for a child. Early childhood education can began in the 1800s with private classes in a person’s home. Serious studies of cognition and early education began with Piaget’s work in defining stages of development. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky are both famous for theories on cognition, and early learning of young children. Piaget whom began his career as a biologist teaching in a boy’s school found an interest in child development after helping design a test on intelligence. His theory was that a child could not perform tasks until he or she was psychologically mature enough (Berger, 2008). His second stage or preoperational stage works in the classroom with the child using language to define objects. Vygotsky theory on early childhood learning is more of a social one. Vygotsky theory is a basis of young children’s thinking being self-centered and at time magical. His theory was a second aspect of cognition; young children can be sensitive to other people’s emotions and wishes. Every aspect of child development is in social context, children are curious and observant. Vygotsky called this apprentice in thinking, as older children and adults are the teachers of society. Younger children are guided participates as they learn to think from their mentors. Vygotsky belief was that children could do anything with the assistance of others in their social network (Berger, 2008). In conclusion as the brain grows, the interaction from the parent helps the brain develop, along with parent keeping a healthy regimen. Parent and caregiver interacting with the child helps the child learn language. The three parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive help shape with rules and responsibilities. The well balanced parenting style is authoritative; allowing the child to understand why he or she is receives punishment, shapes and reinforces the child, and takes the child’s feeling into consideration. Early childhood education began in the 1800s. Piaget and Vygotsky both believed that education was important. Piaget thought that a child learned he or she was psychologically mature enough. Vygotsky belief was that children learn from others and could do anything with the help from their mentors. Cognition is needed to help a child learn, develop, and grow. How to cite Infancy and Early Childhood Development, Papers Infancy and Early Childhood Development Free Essays Infancy and early childhood are referred to as those immature years of life and the stage at which most of a child’s development occurs. To strengthen the development of a child’s learning one must understand the physical and mental factors that affect a child’s development through observation and interaction. Development begins during the prenatal period on up to the early years and depends on the nutritional, medical, emotional, and intellectual support of parents, family members, caregivers, and teachers (Cherry, 2011). We will write a custom essay sample on Infancy and Early Childhood Development or any similar topic only for you Order Now Parenting styles also play a role in what influences development as well as early childhood education programs. During the prenatal period when a child’s development begins, thus being aware of many factors that can damage the fetus and the development of a healthy child. In the early years the development of physical growth is through constant change. A key component in a child’s development is based on good nutrition as well as motor milestones needed for a child to succeed. Piaget and many other theorists refer to stages of specific age that defines the milestones reached. However, every child is different and so are there developmental successes (Berger, 2008). Infants develop skills based on their experiences in exploring the world around them. Physical play allows them to develop coordination as well as stronger muscles. Sensory skills are developed through taste, smell, touch, seeing, hearing, and from that perception is gained. Motor, sensory, and perceptual skills are supported by stimulation and a caring environment. Cognitive development occurs when a child becomes aware of physical sensations such as his or her mouth, hands, and feet. This is when an infant will explore and begin to understand what is around them (Berger, 2008). It is through early childhood that physical and neuropsychological changes help to increase coordination, control, manipulation, and movement through refining motor and perceptual skills. A good example of refining motor skills is through lacing and threading when tying their shoes as well as writing and drawing. It is these changes that create the milestones of such development. Environmental stimulus creates neurological development to control body functions to succeed in sports and other body-related skills. To enable such development to master such skills one must provide children with the opportunities of a challenging environment to learn and improve on such skills. The importance of childhood development is based on peer relationships, social play, and emotional development that help them build on self and moral values. As children engage in such play, he or she will begin to explore ways to solve problems as well as how they view other’s perspectives (Berger, 2008). It is through a stimulating and supportive environment that will allow a child to develop. The support of the parents, family members, and other individuals will help a child develop self-concept and self-esteem to learn and grow, and will be the foundation for building strong relationships with the ability to express emotion. Such a foundation will allow a child to develop by exploring new situations and being able to build on that to create healthy relationships (Berger, 2008). Parenting Styles and their Influence Family structure also affects both cognitive and emotional development of a child and is based on the size of the family and what order the child was born. However, a child’s performance is based on how safe and secure the child feels as well as an environment that provides warmth, consistency, and family communication. Family structure also leads to other factor that influences childhood development and the styles in which parents teach that may or may not be a supportive foundation. A clinical psychologist named Diane Baumrind discovered that there were four styles of parenting; however, three styles were displayed most. Her discovery came from a study that she had conducted on more than 100 children. This study of parenting and its effects on children displayed many aspects of parenting such as strategies of discipline, parental nurturance, styles of communication, and one’s level maturity and control. Observation from such dimensions created what is known as the four styles of parenting. Authoritarian Parenting Authoritarian parenting was a style of parenting that expected children to follow the rules and obey. Good behavior was rewarded; whereas, bad behavior was punished. This style of parenting felt as though they needed to give no eason other than â€Å"they said so. † Communication between parent and child was minimal with no response to child. Children who grew up from this type of parenting ranked lower in happiness, social competence, and self-esteem. Children are not allowed to make their own choices and given limited freedom. Authoritative Parenting Authoritative parenting is similar to that of authoritarian in terms of establishing rules and guidelines to follow, but much more democratic. However, this style of parenting is more responsive to their children. Though standards are set high there is room for decision-making. Parents are more willing to listen to their children and be more supportive rather than punitive. This style of parenting tends to result in happier children. These children tend to achieve higher grades in school, and have less social problems. Authoritative parenting helps children develop self-sufficiency and independence. This is the style of parenting I believe is most effective because it offers the most balanced approach to parenting. Parents enforce rules and limits, but do so to protect their children rather than stifle them. This style of parenting enforces rules when they need to but also allows their children to make mistakes and learn from them when the situation does not require strong discipline. Permissive Parenting Permissive parenting is what many refer to as understanding parents. They demand less and seldom discipline their children and create substandard assumptions of maturity level and self-control. Baumrind believes that indulgent parents are less demanding and more responsive. This parenting style would prefer to be a friend rather than a parent and can be a detriment because it teaches the child; rules do not need to be followed; thus, creating defiance of authority without worrying about the consequences of others. Children taught from this style of parenting tend to have low self-esteem, lack of self-control, and do poorly in school. These children will have difficulty in society associating with their peers and creating healthy relationships. Uninvolved parenting Uninvolved parenting ranks lowest of all life domains. This style of parenting makes few demands and communicates very little with little responsiveness. Uninvolved parents are detached from the lives of their children other than fulfilling basic needs and there are some instances in which the parents even neglect those. These children often feel rejected and lack in self-control, self-esteem, and rank less competent than the rest of their peers (Cherry, 2011). The way our children show respect, obedience, and discipline is created by the style a parent teaches his or her child. The nurturing support and love we provide is crucial to the development of our children and provide the means of our children being happy and healthy. Those children who learn better probably have a secure family life and supportive environment that will allow mistakes to be made from which children learn from without judgment being passed. By creating such a positive environment our children can explore, and we help to create those positive influences that allow children to succeed. Childhood Education and How it Influences Cognitive Development Childhood education is those activities and experiences created by educational programs and strategies intended to effect developmental changes in children. However, it begins in the home at an early age. As parents, we begin by being supportive of our child’s abilities while making sure that he or she is making all the necessary connections. Parents should be reading and singing as well as pointing out objects located in one’s environment and developing conversations with our children that builds on vocabulary. Allowing children to draw or color allows them to be expressive and gain that hand-eye coordination. Childcare givers also increase the benefits of our children’s development with giving them more conversation and interacting with other children. This type of setting allows them to try diverse activities and allows them to visit new places. In doing so, this will help to increase their thinking skills and teach them to follow directions. From this point, our children go into the pre-k programs and kindergarten. In general, children engage in much pretend play, thus building on cognitive skills by allowing the children to read others intentions, encouraging social interaction and helping them to distinguish between genuine and imaginary. This allows children to take on a social role representing reality through make believe. This stimulates the child’s ability to think for him or herself. Therefore, childhood play contributes to human development and allows the child to express by pretending social roles. Conclusion In conclusion, children continue to grow and learn as they move from infancy to toddler, and to school age. However, it is not just the physical aspects, but the cognitive aspects of thinking, imaginative play as well as language maturity. A child’s emotional, social, moral, and sexual factors are growing as well. In knowing those factors, one will obtain a better understanding about the importance of family influences, parenting styles, and childhood education. However, to understand these influences are not the only factors in the development of our children. The key is to apply practical everyday knowledge in how we care for our children and what it takes to meet their needs. How to cite Infancy and Early Childhood Development, Essay examples Infancy and Early Childhood Development Free Essays As a child develops families play a role in teaching the child. The first role is done through the five senses as a child’s brain develops. Parents are also responsible for making sure a child stays healthy. We will write a custom essay sample on Infancy and Early Childhood Development or any similar topic only for you Order Now Piaget says that a child will learn through experiments in his or her world. Erickson and Freud also have ideas on family interaction in childhood development. Along with interaction a parent has different styles to bring up a child. These styles can help shape the child as he or she grows into adults. Early childhood education and cognitive development also play a role in childhood development also. Families affect development through interaction with a child, the parenting style used by the parent will also help shape the child as he or she grows, along with early education and cognitive development. Families play a role in infancy and early child development. Early childhood experience is in two categories; experience-dependent (cultural-bound) and experience-expectant (universal) that aid in brain growth (Berger, 2008). As the brain grows senses and motor skills such as seeing, mobility progress, and hearing improve. The child’s environment helps with this as the brain will respond to different particulars in life. Also in the biosocial aspect of development is health, a child will grow at expected rates and have better survival rates when the parents or caregivers practice healthy habits for the child such as immunization and nutrition, and regular well child check-ups. Another view of family effects on development comes from cognitive views of Piaget. Piaget’s work on sensorimotor intelligence and information processing says that infants progress from knowing their world through experiments. The child is shown objects by the parent and the parent tells the child what he or she is seeing, such as a cup, ball, or bottle. This communication with the child is how the family helps the child with language development. According Berger (2008), by one an infant can speak about two words, and by the age of two languages explodes, and at the toddler ages a child capable of speaking in short sentences. The last role from parents in the developing child comes from psychosocial theories. Emotions play a basic role in newborns two aspects of the role of emotions are from Erickson and Freud. Erickson’s theory is one of trust versus mistrust, and Freud’s theory is one of oral and anal stages. Both theories express the guidance given by parents to help raise their children. Parents and children play together, which helps develop social skills and attachment. Through attachment a child learns to explore and become independent in his or her world (Berger, 2008). Social play and attachment encourage social confidence. Besides play a parent must use a style to raise the child. Parenting styles vary the three most used styles consist of authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive. Authoritarian parents controls, evaluates behavior, and attitudes of the child with standard rules of conduct. A child who fails to follow the set rules normally receives punishment with no explanation regarding why. According to Baumrind (1991), these parents are â€Å"status and obedience oriented, and expect rules to be followed without explanation. † The authoritative parent also sets rules for his or her child. Authoritative parenting styles also sets rules for a child but unlike the authoritarian parent the parent is much more democratic about it. This parenting style permits the parent to be more responsive to the child’s needs, and listen to questions and concerns the child may have. The child is not punished when he or she does not meet expectations of the parent as the parent is more nurturing, and forgiving. Discipline with the authoritative parent is more supportive than punitive, as the parent wants the child to be assertive, socially responsible, self-regulating, and cooperative (Baumrind, 1991). The last of the three parenting styles is permissive. The permissive parent consults with the child about decisions, gives reasons for rules, and makes few demands of the child. The permissive parent is more of a resource for the child to use, and is not active in shaping or altering the child. The permissive parent will try to manipulate the child to arrive at desired results but will not show power over the child (Baumrind, 1991). Of the three parenting stages authoritative parenting has the best balance. Authoritative parents want for the child, helps shape the child into an upstanding citizen while nurturing and firm in rules. This parenting style values the expressiveness of the child, and still setting standards for the child. The authoritative parent will also be objective, uses reason, power, and shapes and reinforces achievements and objective for the child, but does this with consensus of the child and the child’s desires (Baumrind, 1991). Besides parenting education and cognitive development are important for a child. Early childhood education can began in the 1800s with private classes in a person’s home. Serious studies of cognition and early education began with Piaget’s work in defining stages of development. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky are both famous for theories on cognition, and early learning of young children. Piaget whom began his career as a biologist teaching in a boy’s school found an interest in child development after helping design a test on intelligence. His theory was that a child could not perform tasks until he or she was psychologically mature enough (Berger, 2008). His second stage or preoperational stage works in the classroom with the child using language to define objects. Vygotsky theory on early childhood learning is more of a social one. Vygotsky theory is a basis of young children’s thinking being self-centered and at time magical. His theory was a second aspect of cognition; young children can be sensitive to other people’s emotions and wishes. Every aspect of child development is in social context, children are curious and observant. Vygotsky called this apprentice in thinking, as older children and adults are the teachers of society. Younger children are guided participates as they learn to think from their mentors. Vygotsky belief was that children could do anything with the assistance of others in their social network (Berger, 2008). In conclusion as the brain grows, the interaction from the parent helps the brain develop, along with parent keeping a healthy regimen. Parent and caregiver interacting with the child helps the child learn language. The three parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive help shape with rules and responsibilities. The well balanced parenting style is authoritative; allowing the child to understand why he or she is receives punishment, shapes and reinforces the child, and takes the child’s feeling into consideration. Early childhood education began in the 1800s. Piaget and Vygotsky both believed that education was important. Piaget thought that a child learned he or she was psychologically mature enough. Vygotsky belief was that children learn from others and could do anything with the help from their mentors. Cognition is needed to help a child learn, develop, and grow. How to cite Infancy and Early Childhood Development, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Comparing the Last Song and Dear John free essay sample

Comparing Movies The last 2 movies I saw were The Last Song and Dear John. Considering both of these movies are sappy Nicholas Sparks books, they have a ton of similarities. They also have some differences. I saw both of these movies more than 4 months ago so I hope I can even remember enough to compare them. One similarity is about 2 people that meet in a beach setting. In The Last Song, Ronnie, who is played by Miley Cyrus and is the main character, is shipped to her fathers house in Tybee Beach, Georgia, with her mothers hopes of her losing her bad attitude due to her arents rough divorce. While she is staying there, she meets a boy named Will who she tries to repel, but she ends up falling for him. In Dear John, which is also set in North Carolina, John, who is played by Channing Tatum, is visiting his father before he goes off to the army and Savannah, who is played by Amanda Seyfried, is going to school in North Carolina spends a month in Wilmington to built a house for Habitat for Humanity. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparing the Last Song and Dear John or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These two also meet on the beach and fall in love. Another similarity is that death happens in both of these plots. In The Last Song, Ronnies dad had been aced with a battle with cancer and in the end of the story, he lost it. Leaving behind an ex wife, a changed-for-the-better daughter, and a young, very sensitive son. In Dear John, Johns dad had been suffering from having many heart attacks and eventually died. One last similarity is how the couples in both movies fall in love over a short period of time. In The Last Song, Ronnie tries to resist Will but she falls for him anyway over about a 2 week period. In Dear John, Savannah and John meet when Savannahs purse falls into the water and John goes to retrieve it. There were sparks there from the start. They also fell in love over a 2 week period. One of the most famous lines in that movie is said by Savannah and sounds like, Two weeks together, thats all it took. Two weeks for me to fall for you. There are also many differences in these movies. One, is that in The Last Song, Ronnie and Will end up together but in Dear John, Savannah marries a man who is dying and John sells his fathers prized coin collection to get money for his treatment but Savannah still loves John as much as she did. Another difference is in Dear John, the guy in the relationship goes away and leaves the girl. That doesnt happen in The Last Song ecause Will stays around and continues to date Ronnie. One last difference between these two movies is that the girls in both plots feel completely different towards the guys in the beginning. In Dear John, it was basically love at first sight. Savannah was attracted to John from the start. In The Last Song, Ronnie didnt like Will and tried to stay away from him. Both of these movies were based on books written by the same author so it was rather easy to find similarities. The plots of these movies are different but also have some of the same aspects. Comparing the Last Song and Dear John By lucilleparr

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Margaret Timberlake Eaton free essay sample

She also had quite a talent for dance, and was sent to private lessons, becoming a very good dancer. At the age of twelve, she danced for the First Lady Dooley Madison. Visitors of the Franklin House also commented on her piano playing skills. Margaritas teenage years, there were many rumors circulating about her romances. The stories Included one of a suitor who swallowed poison after she refused to return his affections, one of her being briefly linked to the son of President Jefferson treasury secretary, and one of her etched elopement to a young aide of General Winfield Scott.As the story goes, she accidentally kicked over a flowerpot during her climb down from a bedroom window, which woke her father, who promptly dragged her back inside. Jackson first met Margaret at the age of 24, he took an immediate liking to her. The tavern had been recommended to him by his close friend John Henry Eaton, who would later marry Miss ONeal and cause quite a scandal. We will write a custom essay sample on Margaret Timberlake Eaton or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Jacksons wife, when meeting Margaret a year later, was equally taken with her. BRB>Margaret married a navy purser named John Bowie Timberline. They had three children together, one whom died while still an infant. When John was gone at sea, John Eaton entered the picture again, escorting Margaret on drives and to parties. The rumors flew around town of Margaret and Tenants supposed affair, and of her husbands drunkenness. The people around town were all saying that the reason Timberline kept sailing was to avoid his wifes obvious philandering. Timberline was soon reassigned to the Mediterranean squadron. The Mediterranean was very hot and contained few friendly ports in those days, making it a less than pleasant assignment.Timberline died while in the Mediterranean, the official cause was pulmonary disease. It is also reported that he committed suicide, some said because of his wifes behavior. Eaton married Margaret shortly after Timberlands death, which caused a bit of a commotion. The real cause for the disapproval was that Margaret and Eaton had been living together before Timberline was killed. There were also rumors that Margaret had miscarried Tenants child before hey were married, but it is hard to say if there is any truth in that. BRB>All of the preceding events rose many eyebrows in Washington DC, especially among the elite politicians wives. Florida Calhoun, wife of Vice President John Calhoun, accepted a social call from the Eaton after their marriage, but refused to pay a return visit. This was viewed in Washington DC as a snub. Jacksons advisors encouraged him not to appoint Eaton into his cabinet, saying that his reputation would damage Jacksons chances for the Presidency. This only angered Jackson, who recalled the earlier mistreatment f his wife, Rachel, during his first run for the presidency.There had been a misunderstanding about her previous divorce, and it turned out that she and Jackson had not been married when they had thought, since her divorce was not yet final. They had in fact, been living quite publicly in sin for over two years. They quickly repeated their vows, but the political and personal repercussions had already taken effect Rachel died of a heart attack less than three months before Jacksons inauguration, and Jackson always blamed his competing party for her death. As determined to have the Eaton accepted in polite Washington DC society.After dealing with the so called petticoat affair for a few months, Jackson called all of his cabinet, with the exception of John Eaton, to a specia l meeting. He produced many witnesses who testified to Margaritas character, and considered the matter over. He held his overdue cabinet dinner soon afterward. All of the cabinet members and their wives attended, but everyone ate very quickly in order to avoid conversation with the Eaton, whom Jackson had sat in places of honor at the head of the table.Van Burden held another party not much later which all of the cabinet members attended, while all of their wives found excuses not to attend. soon began to believe that it was not only the members of his cabinet that were carrying on this affair, but also his political enemies in an effort to bring him down. It was also no coincidence that the cabinet members most opposed to the Eaton were loyal to Calhoun, whom Jackson was starting to distrust. Calhoun had helped to elect Jackson, assuming that he would become the next president. Van Burden was gaining Jacksons approval at the same time that Calhoun was losing it. He had remained supportive and friendly with the Eaton since the beginning of the affair. Jackson began to look to him as his successor in the Presidency. The rumors still flew surrounding the Eaton. The press was merciless. One newspaper even claimed that Eaton had fathered a child with a black servant. events came to a head in April of 1831 when Van Burden offered to resign, and recommended that Eaton do the same. It was common protocol that if two members of the cabinet resigned, the rest would do so out of routers in order to allow the president to reorganize his cabinet. With some resistance, all of the cabinet members resigned, allowing Jackson to rename the members and hopefully end the affair once and for all. The newspapers attributed the cabinets fall the Margaret Eaton, and everyone thought that Jackson had doomed any hope for reelection. Jackson was reelected, with Van Burden as a running mate. He quickly sent Eaton to the Florida territory, where he became governor.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Women Who Make a Difference essays

Women Who Make a Difference essays Throughout all of history, women have played a significant role in shaping the political and social history of our world. They have and still continue today to impact virtually every topic that has ever been debated. From standing up against the common belief that women were incapable of being involved in the same things men were, to making new discoveries in science, art, education and much more, women have made a considerable One such woman is an individual by the name of Jane Goodall. Jane was born in London, England in 1934, and grew up on the southern coast of England in Bournemouth. Ever since she was young, Jane always dreamed of working with wildlife. At the age of 23, she accompanied a friend to Kenya, Africa where she first heard about Dr. Louis Leakey, a paleontologist and anthropologist. Jane later became his assistant, traveling with him on his expeditions. In 1960, they began to work on a project which Jane is best known for, studying chimpanzees at Gombe National Park in This all began Janes road toward making numerous impacts on society. Her largest impact was of course her discoveries on wildlife. After many months at Gombe, she was able to get close enough to the chimpanzees to study their habits, and make striking discoveries. She was able to relate the chimpanzees to human beings, as they hunted for food and used tools just like us. By doing this, Jane was able to help future scientists to learn more about the rarely observed lives of these species. Another enormous impact Jane made on society was her ability to make it aware to the people that many of these species such as the chimpanzees, were becoming extinct because of practices like hunting and poaching. She took this concern even further and set up chimpanzee sanctuaries for the care and rehabilitation of orphaned chimpanzee ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

IS PROPAGADA A TECHNIQUE OR A PHENOMENON Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IS PROPAGADA A TECHNIQUE OR A PHENOMENON - Essay Example on, the analysis will seek to determine whether or not the presence of propaganda throughout the modern world is merely something that exists naturally or whether or not it is an purposeful and authored process. Firstly, it should be understood that the nature and definition of propaganda itself lends the reader to assume that the process of information distribution and purposeful deception is not something that merely â€Å"happens†. 1 Of course there are many instances throughout the world in which incomplete information is transmitted to the media participant; however, these inadvertent instances do not accurately define the conventional definition of â€Å"propaganda†. Ultimately, the use of propaganda, by its very definition and nature, is to deceive or mislead the media participant to understand the world or a particular situation within a given construct or manner. As such, it is painfully obvious that the majority of propaganda that exists is most certainly a technique by which entities, individuals, or governments attempt sway the opinions of societal stakeholders. Therefore, the reader can adequately assume that the types of â€Å"propaganda† under discussion is more likely than not an authored process that is intended to be misleading, untrue, or inaccurate.2 As with a legal discussion of motive, the question that has thus far been represented ultimately reduces to the intention of the way the information is represented. In the event that a particular entity, government, or individual represents information in a willfully deceitful manner as a means of swaying individual opinions, then it is clear and apparent that the process is a technique which is engaged as a means of effecting a particular goal.3 Yet, in the event that incomplete, untrue, or inaccurate information is represented to a group or an audience with no intention to deceive or mislead, then it cannot be said that such a process is propaganda; rather, it is an inadvertent process that